Insurable Risks
The following is a list of insurance classes that are available through our general insurance advisers. You have opted to insure for some covers - please refer to your policy schedule. Please check this register and do not hesitate to contact us should you wish to discuss any covers you have not purchased.
This list is not exhaustive and there may be some insurance covers that have not been specifically listed about which information is available on request.
Advanced Profits Loss of anticipated income/turnover from a venture, process, expansion or construction program where loss or delays prevents the commencement of the undertaking
Aviation/Aircraft Insures physical damage/loss to aircraft/aerial devices
Burglary (included in Material Damage) Usually covered with the insurance of business assets but may be seperately arranged and may include loss following non forcible entry (i.e theft risks)
Boiler (Explosion, Collapse) Explosion or collapse of vessels under steam or fluid pressure and business interruption losses following. These risks are excluded under Material Damage/ Business Interruption insurance. Material Damage policy may provide limited cover for non domestic pressure vessels/boilers.
Book Debts Insures unrecoverable debts following insured damage to records - usually an extension to business interruption policy.
Business Interruption (Consequential Loss) - Gross Profit/ Revenue - Insures loss of insurable gross profit or revenue following interruption or interference with the business resulting in a reduction of annual turnover. Also referred to as Consequential Loss or Loss of Profits insurance. Various risks are insurable: Wages/Salaries/Commissions, Goodwill on lease, contractual commitments.
Business Interruption - Loss of Rental/Lease Income Insurers loss of rents, from property owned by you, following insured material damage.
Business Interruption - Additional Costs Insures extra costs required to be paid to maintain or resume normal turnover e.g. Additional or increased rent for temporary office/business location, redirection of phone lines.
Computer Breakdown/Additional Risks Breakdown; costs of repair, replacement following actual breakdown or derangement - can include computer media. Excluded from Material Damage insurance.
Computer Breakdown Consequential Loss Consequential loss; in respect of financial losses and extra costs following insured breakdown or derangement to Computers.
Contract Works (Site Cover) Protection for construction or installation contract 'works' in terms of the contract and third party liabilities throughout the contract/maintenance period. May include constructional plant and equipment, temporary buildings or structures and transit risks. Testing and Commissioning is not included unless application is made and additional premium paid.
Contract Bonds, Guarantees To meet the terms of an undertaking for performance or payment which would otherwise require a cash deposit or payment in advance.
Contract Penalties Arranged in respect of various types of bonds/guarantees.
Crop Insurance Covering damage to specified crops due to fire and weather perils.
Domestic Insurances For dwellings, contents and personal effects and private vehicles.
Erection Risks/ Testing and Commissioning Constructional cover for engineering installation, erection, tdesting and commssiong risks.
Fidelity Guarantee Covering goods and/or money lost through fraud or dishonesty of employees.
Forestry Covers loss or damage to standing/growing timber.
Frozen Goods Deterioration following stoppage of refrigeration equipment for chilled or frozen goods. Material damage policy may provide limited cover.
Fusion Burning out of electrical motors caused by artificially generated electric current. Machinery Breakdown cover will include this risk. Material damage policy may provide limited cover.
Glass Insurance of glass, glazing and temporary protection and/or security costs.
Goods in Transit In respect of products or plant away from the premises on a regular or one-off basis. May be covered by Material Damage insurance.
Machinery Breakdown Covering costs of repair or replacement following actual breakdown or derangement. Material damage policy may provide limited cover.
Machinery Breakdown Consequential Loss Consequential loss; in respect of financial losses and extra costs following insured breakdown or derangement.
Material Damage Provides for the insurance of business assets against an extended range of risks and permits the scope of cover to be tailored to your needs.
Mobile Plant Specialist cover for mobile plant e.g. Cranes
Money Generally insured with business assets (Material Damage policy extension) but may be covered separately, includes 'negotiable securities'
Stock Deterioration Insures deterioration of frozen or refrigerated stock following accidental stoppage of cooling machinery or freezers. Machinery Breakdown insurance is usually required to be purchased.
Terrorism A general exclusion under most Material Damage policies. Specific application if cover is required.
Aircraft Non-Ownership Liability Insures vicarious liability for third party damage including whilst chartering or as a passenger. Can be extended to include liability for damage to the aircraft and/or passengers.
Aviation Liability Range of covers including: Insuring physical damage/loss to aircraft/aerial devices, ground based facilities and equipment. Loss of Pilots License. Chemical Liability.
Association Liability Indemnity for claims made against Committee Members of clubs or association arising from wrongful acts in the management of the Club or Association.
Bailees Liability Covers legal liability for damage to property you hold under bailment.
Breach of Copyright Infringement of industrial, property or intellectual rights.
Care Custody and Control Covers legal liability for damage to property you hold under your care custody or control.
Carriers Liability Insures liability under legislation, for damage to goods carried/transported for others. Also includes removal of debris and road clearing costs.
Carriers Liability Consequential Loss Liability for consequential loss following damage or loss to goods carried for others.
Charterers Liability Insures liability for Hulls in respect to, and required for, a Marine or Aviation Charterers Agreement.
Contractual Liability In respect of specific Contractual Agreements.
Directors and Officers Liability Insures personal liability of Directors and Officers, or reimbursement for the company where it has indemnified directors, following wrongful acts committed, attempted or allegedly committed in carrying out their duties. Cover includes defence costs.
Employers Liability For damages awarded against an employer for injury to an employee in the course of their employment to which the Accident Compensations Act may not apply. Cover includes legal and defence costs and may include Punitive and Exemplary Damages.
Employee Disputes Liability Covers costs, including legal defence costs for any claims against an employer for wrongful acts against an employee, e.g. wrongful dismissal, harassment, discrimination.
Environmental Impairment Specialised protection not otherwise available under the General Liability insurance for enviromental contamination or impairment risks.
Exemplary/Punitive Damages (Bodily injury) Covers costs/damages arising out of bodily injury for which you are legally liable, and where the law prevents action for damages. New Zealand cover only.
Forest & Rural Fires Act Insures costs imposed by statutory authorities.
IT Liability/Cyber Liability Liability insurance for developers of software, website designers and any operation involved in computer software and any operation involved in the provision of Information and Communication Technology.
Internet Liability Insures liability for unintentional damage defamation, breach of intellectual property, transmission of a virus and other related risks through a email and internet use.
Legal Defence Insures legal defence costs in respect to civil action. Can be tailored to provide employees with individual cover.
Liability Consequential Loss Protection to the insured business for its own financial losses incurred as a result of interruption following a claim made and indemnity confirmed under either a Public, Statutory or Employers Liability as nominated.
Libel and Slander and/or advertisers/publishers insures liability arising out of defamatory comments (written or verbal). Cover includes defence costs.
Product Guarantee Insures Costs arising from failure of products to preform as undertaken or intended.
Product Liability Insurers Liability arising out of products supplied, including legal costs (New Zealand Only or Worldwide).
Product Recall/ Product Tamper/ GE-GM For costs and expenses for recall of faulty products/ costs associated with recovery from an actual or threatened tamper incident / defence, investigations and recall costs associated with allegations of breach of GE/GM regulations or statute.
Professional Indemnity Specialised protection for breach of professional duty, arising from advice or treatment.
Prospectus Liability Insurers liability of a company/directors/officers arising from the issue of a prospectus or similar documents. Usually excluded from Directors and Officers Liability policy. Cover includes defence costs.
Public Liability/ General Liability Insures liability resulting from damage or injury occurring in connection with your nominated business activities, cover includes associated legal costs.
Service and Repair An extension providing cover for damage to property worked upon and arising from the work itself.
Statutory Liability Legal costs, fines and penalties for innocent breaches of a Statutory Act. Includes: Resource Management Act, Building Act, Health & Safety in Employment Act. Cover includes legal defence costs.
Trustee Liability Indemnity for personal claims made against trustees arising from wrongful acts in the management of the Trust. Cover includes legal defence costs.
Watercraft Use Liabilities attaching to the use of watercraft.
Workers Compensation Cover Liability for injury to employees outside New Zealand.
Marine Hull/ Marine Liability Insures vessels and machinery for physical loss or damage/ third party property damage. Please check specific policy wording based on the size and value of vessels you work on.
Marine Cargo Imports or Exports and also local sendings - insures goods in transit by land, sea or air. Cargo which does not originate from or arrive in New Zealand requires specific insurance protection.
Marine Cargo Consequential Loss Insures consequential loss following insured damage to goods in transit under a Marine Cargo policy.
Freight Forwarders Liability Covering liability to the owners of goods on overseas shipments.
Motor Vehicle Covering insured vehicles and third party liability arising from the use of insured vehicles. Extensions are available for various additional expenses or increased costs which may follow loss or damage.
Motor Vehicle Loss of Use Covers rental vehicle costs/ compensation during repairs.
Events Cover Specialist cover for events organisers - against cancellation and other risks.
Intellectual Property Pursuit Insures legal costs involved in enforcing intellectual property rights following third party infringement.
Livestock / Bloodstock Specialised protection for Livestock or Bloodstock.
Trade Credit Insures debtors lack of payments as a result of their insolvency or default.
Travel Insures luggage, medical, cash, liability and specialised travel covers both for overseas travel and/or domestic travel risks.
Wreck Removal For costs incurred directly in maritime wreck removal under statutory duty.
Human Resource
Accident Compensation (Top-up Cover) Supplements cover available under the accident compensation legislation.
Employee Benefits/ Life/ Pensions - Including Capital Benefits Includes salary continuance, life insurance, disability insurance, superannuation medical insurance.
Financial Planning For future needs, retirement e.t.c.
Income Protection Income continuance following specific events to the insured person/s
Key Person Provides funds following death or disablement of 'key' personnel. (Limited cover provided under Personal Accident insurance)
Mortgage Protection To allow continuation of mortgage payments following specific events to the insured person/s.
Personal Accident Individual or Group cover providing tailored lump sum and weekly benefits following specified events.