Tradies Package
Tradies Pack is an Insurance Combo that is available for a large number of occupations and offers comprehensive benefits for a spot-on premium.
Included in Tradies Pack are:
$2,000,000 Public & Products Liability
$1,000,000 Statutory Liability
$1,000,000 Employers Liability
$ 500,000 Property in care, custody and control
$ 500,000 Vibration or Weakening of support
$1,000,000 Forest and Rural Fires Act
$ 100,000 Defective Workmanship
$ 250,000 Defence Costs.
The following additional Options are available:
- Tools Cover
- Business Vehicle Insurance
- Cover for your Stock
- Cover for Digital Devices
- Business Interruption Cover
- Defective Workmanship extension
- Licensed Building Practitioner extension
Contact us by email or phone and we will be more than happy to get you the right cover for your business.
Are you a Licensed Building Practitioner (LBP)?
Are you giving advice and signing off projects?
In 2012, Restricted Building Work came into effect and since applies to most residential building or renovation work. Only a Licensed Building Practitioner can undertake or supervise the work.
Defective Workmanship Cover is available as an Extension to Tradies Pack.
It covers you for your legal liability to pay direct compensation (including liability for resulting loss of use) upon accidental damage to property on which you are or have been working, where the damage is caused by your defective workmanship, providing that:
A. the defective workmanship is done or undertaken by any of the persons insured during the period of insurance;
B. the damage to property happens within the geographical limits.
Workmanship means work done in the process of manufacturing, constructing, erecting installing, servicing, repairing or treating property.
Maximum liability cover under this extension is $100,000 in any one period of insurance inclusive of any defence costs.
An excess of $1,000 will apply to claims under this extension for each occurrence unless an alternative amount is shown in the schedule.
Contact us to discuss your Business Insurance needs - we look forward to hearing from you.